Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Urban Farming

On Tuesday Night at the Boise City Council meeting there was much talk about the Urban Agriculture Ordinance. No one spoke in opposition of the ordinance which passed amendments with a 6-0 majority. The new amendments allow the following (taken from the Idaho Statesman Website).

• Urban farmers living inside city limits may now keep six chickens instead of three. Four ducks are allowed instead of just a pair. Within Boise’s boundaries, residents may now keep four rabbits. The previous ordinance allowed just two.
• Beekeepers had been limited to a maximum of 12 colonies. The new rules remove that cap for beekeepers with larger lots. Council members also eliminated a $50 fee for beekeepers.
• Urban farms are now allowed in all zoning districts, along with community supported agriculture (CSAs), where customers buy shares of produce for pick up during growing season. The new rules also allow such operations to sell small amounts of produce.
• Urban farming retail spaces are limited to 500 square feet. New parking and overhead lighting is prohibited. Business hours are restricted to 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
• Produce stands have been operating with six month permits. Now, they'll be able to apply for yearlong permits.
All of the changes will be reviewed in a year to see how they are succeeding and if other amendments need to me made.

(Photo From:


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