Saturday, April 14, 2012

What To Expect

Welcome to Natures Wonderland, this blog is a new adventure for me. This space is a place for me to share all of the things related to nature that I am passionate about. I will share with you information about conservation, gardening, eating and buying local, and great little day trips for people around Boise to get out in nature, appreciate all it glory and hopefully increase your feeling of connectedness. 

I am currently a masters student at Miami University pursuing a Masters in Zoology. During my work toward this degree there has been a lot of emphasis on conservation efforts worldwide. I hope to inspire people to take advantage of the knowledge I share on this blog and become a part of reducing our negative impact on earth. 

I am eager to interact with you, my readers and will be checking for comments and suggestions or things you would like to know more about. Some upcoming topics I will focus on are:
  • Highlights from the Boise City Public Market
  • Local restaurants focused on local foods
  • Spring day trips (Bruneau Sand Dunes and Camas Prairie Centennial Marsh)
Camas Prairie

Thanks for stopping by, Kristi 

1 comment:

  1. An extremely important topic delivered well. I enjoyed the thought of tomatoes so much, I went out and planted some
